The Divine Commission Part 1

Paul Mwazha of Africa – Frequent moments of prayer
Frequent moments of prayer occupied most of my thoughts wherever I would be, whether I was working in the fields or doing any other odd tasks, I would down tools and as my heart pulsated with love I felt for the Lord, and tears rolling down my cheeks, I would […]

Paul Mwazha Teaching Easter Sabbath 2014
Paul Mwazha’s teaching at Guvambwa 19 April 2014, Easter Sabbath Vana vaBaba vangu, nyika yava kuguma. Mazvinzwa. Eh Mobatisisa, togadzirira. Togadzirira kuuya kwaJesu. Inguva yekupinda muChurch yaJesu iyi. Nhaika. Vanhu vachibhabhatidzwa imomo. Ndomune dzidziso yaMwari. Vachigamuchira Mweya Mutsvene imomo, vachifamba munzira dzaMwari. Nhaika. Eh. Zvino asi tinofara zviri kuita, nyika […]

“Who can we commission, who can go on our behalf?”
At the end of the year, in 1951 I heard a voice in my sleep saying “Who can we commission, who can go on our behalf?” I went to Rev Chidarikire early in the morning and related to him this relevation. He said to me “A, I imagine it has […]